You are the queen bee and your birth-team is your hive; here to protect and support you through the most transformative moment of your life
BeeBorn Childbirth Education - The Confident Birth Series
Knowledge is Power Over Fear
I offer childbirth education sessions tailored to the expecting families/persons personal needs. I will introduce you to the birthing process and what you can expect; including a variety of variables. I offer private-in home sessions, working off your schedule. This is great for families who work out of town or do shift work or for those who don't feel comfortable interacting in group settings. If you have some pregnant friends or family, we can have some fun, interactive group sessions; still in the comfort of your home. These sessions are designed to be completed over a 6 week timeframe (2 hours each) but I have modified them for those who are pressed for time - they can be completed in one intensive day of learning or broken down into 2 half days; I have come to understand that we are all pressed for time, these days!
You'll get a gift, binder with my syllabus and a many handouts that you can use as a quick reference for when you want evidence-based knowledge in a hurry. I'm available for your questions outside of classes via text or email.
Fee: $150 per family. Additional families joining will reduce the cost by $50/couple.
Examples of what my classes entail are listed below.

The Confident Birth
3+ hours
This Mindfulness-Based Childbirth session encompasses the basics of pregnancy, labour and birth. It’s designed to offer you the knowledge you need to plan, make informed choices, and understand your rights and your body before, during, and after you give birth. You will begin to learn what is important to you, during labour and birth, how to set up your birth space to make it as comfortable as possible. You will get a sense of how to design a "birth plan" ~ a preference list of what is important to you as you labour and birth; even if it doesn't go as planned. You'll learn about the different interventions, epidurals, and cesarean sections, so you'll be well versed on what to expect no matter what happens. We can also go over how to pack your bags for the hospital.

The Confident Birth: Comfort Measures and Breathing for Labour and Birth
3+ hours
This is the most interactive part of the session that we'll have and requires you to have a birth-ball (be mindful of the circumference as it correlates to your height) or I can bring one along. I will guide you through the different stages of labour, and help show you how can harness your own strength to make it as easy and safe, as possible, to birth your baby. You will learn about the importance of using movement and gravity, during labour, even if you have an epidural. If you have a partner or support person, I will show them the proper hands-on techniques to bring you comfort. This may include counter pressure, massage, pain-gate theory, abdominal shifting/lifting, and the 3 Balances by Spinning Babies.

Instinctual Childbirth
3 hours+
With my Instinctual Childbirth Session (often geared towards home-birth clients or those totally set on an intervention/medication-free birth), I will guide you through the whole birthing process, and provide you with tips and approaches to make the experience as calm and positive as possible.
Many people believe that the ability to have a "natural" birth coincides with having a high pain tolerance but that isn't the truth. Trusting you instincts to birth your baby is based on education, understanding your rights, learning how to "ride the waves" rather than fight them. It's mindfulness at its best; being in tune with your body and what it needs to do. It's a dedication to surrender to your surges, rather than tensing and fighting them - which is where understanding the fear=tension=pain cycle is a good place to start.

You had a baby...So now what??
2 hours ($75 add on fee)
We often plan for labour and birth but rarely plan for when baby arrives and we are suddenly thrust into the parenting role. We forget to slow down and nurture our healing body because we are too busy trying to figure out how to nurture a tiny human being.
caring for you as you heal
understanding the difference between baby blues and other postpartum mood disorders
There are so many questions that come up as we navigate caring for a newborn. I will help you feel confident caring for your newborn and help you understand what they are trying to tell you.
is your baby eating enough (how to tell)
breast/chest feeding support
bottle feeding support
baby wearing
safe sleep
understanding their crying
soothing a crying baby
how to bath a newborn
cord care